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Engagement and collaboration are the subjects of ongoing interest for many organisations. The war for talent has never been hotter and there is widespread acknowledgement that employees need to be happy in order to thrive; however, we still don’t have a great understanding of how wellbeing and happiness directly impact organisational performance.

It’s clear there is a significant need to improve employee wellbeing across the board and enhance engagement within workplaces. Fortunately, employers can now tap into new technology solutions to help them develop more productive, collaborative and creative workplaces. Here are five technologies that are transforming the way employers go about engaging with their employees and building a work environment that enables them to thrive, both emotionally and physically.


Technology can help with wellness such as Revoola’s fitness and wellness app

Technology helps us with all sorts of things, including wellness. Revoola’s fitness and wellness app, is revolutionising employee wellbeing thought the UK by offering an app that appeals to everyone. It’s inclusive aspect can really help employees get more active and stay on track with their wellness goals. The app’s interactive mind and body classes are completely comprehensive and appeal to everyone regardless of age or fitness levels. This is turn boosts productivity and engagement for companies.

Software to help ease the strain

Employee Onboarding Software: Onboarding is an essential process that every employer needs to implement, but it isn’t always easy to structure. How can managers ensure that new employees are set up for success from day one? Employee onboarding software makes the process of welcoming new employees much easier, giving managers an easy-to-use platform from which to manage all their HR functions and keep track of employee data.

This technology helps with employees onboarding by helping them acclimate quickly and easily and by saving time and resources for larger companies that need to onboard hundreds of new employees every year. There are a number of things managers can do to integrate onboarding software into their existing business processes – the key is finding the solution that works for you.

This technology helps with employee onboarding by creating an easy way for companies to manage everything from recruitment to termination. For example, HR software like this allows managers to create templates for things like new hire paperwork, expiry dates and more.

HR software helps with employee onboarding by streamlining operations and saving valuable time. It also allows managers to better track employee information like annual leave usage or sickness records, meaning they can make better hiring decisions in the future.

Female footballer cheering

Employees helping themselves

Employee Self-Service: The advent of online banking gave consumers total control over their finances whenever they wanted – but up until recently, this convenience wasn’t extended to employees when it came to certain HR functions. Now that companies are starting to rethink how they offer services internally, there’s an opportunity for employers to adopt tools that give employees self-service access so they can get things done themselves without needing to ask for help from their manager.

Employee self-service software makes life easier for managers by freeing up their time and allowing them to work more productively with employees who need their assistance. This technology helps make onboarding processes smoother, can save managers time when developing KPI reports and allows employees to work on the go – even when they’re out of the office.

Employee self-service tools help empower workers and give them a sense of control over their own day-to-day activities. It means they aren’t reliant on their manager’s availability – if a worker wants to apply for leave but is currently dealing with a customer issue, this technology lets them handle it themselves so that they don’t have to wait until later in the day or after hours.

Self-service technology helps make employees more productive by allowing them to take care of minor tasks on their own. This is a great way for managers to free up time and give workers the autonomy they crave.

Employee self-service saves companies money by making it easier to handle HR functions without having to hire extra staff, which can be costly in the long term.

Remote working, how to help not hinder employees mental health and wellness

Remote Working: In the last couple of years covid 19 has forced a shift away from restricting employees’ working hours or location – now after restrictions have eased many organisations now embrace flexible working as a way to attract and retain top talent. And because our world is becoming increasingly connected through technologies like smartphones and video chat tools, remote work has never been easier than it is today. It means that employers don’t have to settle for a single office location as employees can now work from home or on the road, bringing their own devices and ensuring that they’re able to get as much done as possible.

Remote working tools make managers lives easier by allowing them to improve time management and productivity with staff who are out of the office. For example, it means employees don’t have to travel long distances every day if the company doesn’t have a branch near where they live. It can also help boost morale because workers who have young children at home find themselves able to spend more time with their families during the day instead of taking unpaid leave.

Remote working software makes workers happier because it provides them with an improved quality of life – they’re less stressed about commuting and can spend more time with their families.

Remote working technology helps managers stay in touch with staff who might not be in the office when they’re managing projects, scheduling meetings or running workshops. It gives employees the flexibility they crave while ensuring that there are mechanisms in place to support them when necessary.

Managers love remote working software because it makes their lives easier by making it easier for them to manage teams that are scattered across different locations. They don’t have to travel long distances every day and can communicate quickly and easily with workers who aren’t in the same location as them – this means increased productivity and improved morale among the entire team.

However, when separated from colleagues or a normal office/working environment for extended periods particularly if they live alone, individuals can start to feel isolated and lonely.  Without a support network to help, this can lead to mental health issues such as depression. Because of this, managers must ensure they have HR practices in place that make it easier for individuals to reach out and find the company culture and community they’re looking for.

Create an office environment that encourages collaboration

Remote workers may not be working with their colleagues in person but this doesn’t mean you can take away their opportunity to collaborate together! There are many tools available online that allow team members to work together virtually and these can be accessed from any internet-connected device. For example, Google Docs is a free and easy way for your workforce to share their ideas and create documents together online. It’s also possible to hold video chats over Zoom or other similar applications which gives remote workers the opportunity to communicate face-to-face and brainstorm better ideas. By creating a collaborative environment you can give your staff members the chance to learn from each other and share their knowledge and expertise with others in the team, which is really important when they’re working on projects together.

Many companies struggle to retain remote workers so it’s important that they do everything they can to make them feel connected to the business. This way they’ll be more likely to feel appreciated, valued and satisfied with their roles which will, in turn, help your business retain its skilled workers.

Promote a more healthy lifestyle to help your employees wellbeing

Encouraging good lifestyle choices: your employees can improve their overall well-being and health.

Many employees struggle to find the time or motivation to exercise when they get home from work after sitting behind a desk all day, however, it’s important that they do. The benefits of regular exercise are well-documented but it doesn’t have to be hard for your staff! Create an office gym complete with exercise equipment and encourage workers to stay active during their lunch break by joining in group exercises classes. If you want to take things one step further, set up a healthy lunches scheme where employees are given points towards buying extra breaks away from their desks if they eat healthily one day. This way you can incentivise them to make healthier choices without taking away valuable time from their personal lives.

Employee Wellbeing – steps to take to improve their overall wellbeing

Communicate effectively to help boost your team’s relationships and overall employee wellbeing

By communicating with your employees on a regular basis, you can help boost their relationships and overall well-being. In 2022, it’s important that your workforce is connected to each other through technology, rather than isolated from one another. Making this fundamental change will ensure that your team members feel valued and aren’t left feeling disconnected from the business. Ultimately, employees that feel valued are also most likely to be more engaged with their work meaning they’ll have higher levels of productivity and focus in the office.

Having a clear company mission statement can help you focus on your business goals, stay accountable for your actions and avoid wasting time on unnecessary tasks. It’s important when it comes to remote working that your employees can easily see what’s expected of them. Creating a clear visual mission statement in your office will help you and your workforce stay on track with achieving company goals which ultimately adds value to your whole team.

As a business leader, it’s also important for you to be accountable for the work you do and to follow through with what you’ve said. This will encourage your employees to do the same and work towards achieving common objectives. Find out your own workplace wellbeing index.

Recognise great work and valuable worth ethics – It builds trust between managers and workers

You should recognise team members when they’ve done something to be proud of. This could include attending a presentation, giving feedback on an idea or completing one task within an assignment before the deadline. Doing so will boost the morale of your employees and help them feel valued which you can’t put a price on in business.

When you show your appreciation for an employee’s work it also encourages them to value the efforts of other members of the team. This is important as remote employees can sometimes feel isolated from one another, making it hard to build rapport with others.

Make learning a key focus – Plan training beforehand or set time aside during working hours

Learning should always be a key focus for your business as keeping up to date with the latest skills and technology means you’ll have more skilled employees on board. This is why it’s important to make sure that all learning opportunities are well planned out in advance, rather than leaving them until the last minute.

Having scheduled training sessions over video meetings also gives your employees the chance to learn from one another which is better for staff members that are based in different parts of the country.

While training sessions are important, it’s also worth mentioning that your workforce should have set time during working hours to focus on learning new skills. This will allow employees to substitute their workload with self-study when needed and help them feel more fulfilled at the same time.

It’s important to start this process now so you have a clear idea of what your business goals are in 2022. If you don’t, you could end up spending valuable time on tasks that aren’t adding value to your workforce or productivity levels.